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The 3 Types of Peak Experiences

By William Alkhoury January 6th, 2024

The 3 Types of Peak Experiences

The real trip is the God trip."

- Dr. Timothy Leary

Within LSD psychotherapy, transcendent consciousness is experienced as dynamic states which are:

(1) Perinatal - Transcending the present in the sense of death-rebirth experience.

(2) Abreaction (Catharsis) - Transcending the present for the purpose of understanding and integrating past (psychic-somatic) trauma. Unloading, unburdening, and releasing of trapped emotions.

(3) Oceanic - Transcending the present in the direction of all space-time-matter-meaning (S. Grof). Boundary expansion, oneness, and identity with the Ultimate Reality.

Works Cited

Everett, Richard. Authenticity and the Neurosis-of-Normalcy: A Dialectical Paradigm for Human Awareness and Policy Inquiry. 2009.